Friday, 14 October 2016


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Friday, 22 January 2016


“Why teach?” -- It's a simple question with hundreds, or even thousands, of answers. There are social reasons to teach, philanthropic reasons to teach, economic reasons to teach (for you and your students) and even diplomatic reasons to teach. Every child who would be better off with the guidance and care of a great teacher is another reason to become a teacher.
Despite all these reasons, the most complete answer to the question: “Why should I teach?” is simple and concise: Teach to make a difference. How, where and to whom you make a difference is up to you.



teaching goals
Teachers are in a unique position to have a direct impact on their students. Teachers can see their work in action, see the changes they affect, and in so doing they witness firsthand their goals coming to fruition. An architect can hope to design affordable homes for people in need but may not necessarily meet every person who benefits from his noble intentions. But teachers have direct interactions with the people they’re helping, and whatever their goals may be, this allows them to see these goals realized.
Goals for teaching are highly individualized: Only you can answer the question “Why do you want to be a teacher?”
Most teachers aren’t in it for the money (and indeed there are many grants available for teachers to make funding a bit easier). They’re not in it for the time off or the recognition they’re in it to make a difference, to learn and to inspire, and they teach because they realize the value of education. Only you can set goals for yourself. Only you know why you want to teach. But no matter what those specific goals are, they can pretty much be summed into a single goal: You want to help people. And there are many ways you can help someone as a teacher. To name a few, teachers aspire to educate, to inspire, to learn and to affect positive change.


A great teacher should love educating students, and one of the principal goals many teachers set for themselves is to be the best educator they can be. There is something extremely gratifying about imparting information to your students and working with them to ensure they understand, not only concepts, but practical applications as well. There are different methods you can use to teach, and while your teaching style is unique to you, the most important thing is that you engage, motivate and inspire students to learn. Many people teach out of a passion for their subject. If you truly love a particular topic, you may have a desire to share that knowledge with others indeed, that passion can make you excel at it! Other people teach out of a concern for some of the issues facing the education system and because they want to be a part of the solution. Whatever the reason, a teacher can do nothing if not educate their students, so many teachers set this at the forefront of their goals: impart lessons that will last a lifetime.


Teachers seek to inspire students in all aspects of their lives, and for many teachers, their greatest goal is to be a role model. A role model is someone who inspires and encourages students to strive for greatness, and teaches them through experience and commitment how to realize their full potential to become the best they can be. Teachers can inspire an uninterested student to become engrossed in learning. They can motivate them to participate and focus, and even bring introverted students out of their shells. A great teacher can get students reading, inspire a passion for languages, make math or science fun, and turn history lessons into fun and exciting stories. For many teachers, one of their simplest goals is to inspire their students to love learning. But the inspirational power of a teacher can transcend the classroom. So often, we hear people say that they were inspired to pursue their careers because of their teachers. A great teacher can leave an indelible mark that lasts a lifetime, and for many of us, some of our most important decisions were inspired by our teachers.


Teaching is one of those careers where you learn something new every day, and many educators cite this as one of the main things they hope to get out of their career.
On a strictly professional level, the education you attain to become a teacher opens your eyes to many things you may never have been exposed to before. Pursuing a degree in education teaches you so much about learning itself: pedagogy, methodology, etc. You learn how people learn and how to best teach students. Additionally, so many other elements go into teaching that the process of becoming an educator in itself teaches you a great deal. No matter what you teach, your knowledge in many fields will deepen and expand. Then there’s the question of the teacher credentialing process which is also a learning experience.
Teachers also learn a great deal about themselves through teaching. Teaching requires you to step out of yourself in a way you may have never done before, and through this you learn about yourself as a teacher and as a person. You may learn more about how you work with others, particularly with children, and better understand how to communicate effectively and teach efficiently. You can learn how to better handle stress, and the organizational skills you’ll gain from planning lessons and grading assignments will be invaluable. Furthermore, many teachers say the lessons they learn from their own students are the ones that make the job so fulfilling. Students bring a lot of their own life experiences to the classroom, and some of the things they have to say will enlighten you in ways you might not expect. Hearing your students out when they want to voice their opinions can broaden your perspective.


Ambitious teachers are the ones who enter this career to affect change. These are the ones who want to meet the demand for great teachers: They make it their goal to help improve the quality of education for everyone. These teachers are willing to work in high needs schools, where there is low teacher retention and impoverished communities desperate for committed, talented teachers.



We’re all teachers.

Whether we realize it or not, every single one of us is a teacher in some capacity. We teach ourselves and we teach each other. We teach our coworkers, our employees and our managers. We teach our siblings, our parents and our children. We teach our acquaintances, our friends and we even teach our enemies. Throughout the course of our lives we never stop learning or teaching. Through the universality of teaching we understand its importance and can easily tell when it’s done well… or
 when it’s not.

And when we talk about our children and students, teaching has to be done well. It has to be done exceptionally well by great teachers. While we are all teachers in some capacity, very few of us are great teachers. But that doesn’t have to be the case. Every single one of us, with the right motivation, education and knowledge can be a great teacher.
You are a teacher. You can become a great teacher.

You are the great teacher the world or Nigeria is waiting for.


If you can recall a time when using software in lessons meant spending a lunch break installing CD-ROMs in the computer suite, then the prospect of being a browser away from a huge selection of easy-to-use, exciting tools should put a smile on your face.
What's more, with ICT budgets being squeezed ever tighter, the fact that many quality on line teaching and learning tools are available for free will no doubt make that smile a little wider. Consider the potential for active, collaborative and personalised learning that these on line tools facilitate, and there's even more reason to be cheerful.
To the tech-savvy youngsters in our classrooms, the use of online applications is second nature. All we, as teachers and ICT coordinators, need do is introduce them to the on line apps that can help unlock their creativity and collaborative skills- and aid their study, revision and organisation.
The key is knowing which free online tools transcend the novelty factor and add real value. That's where this guide can help. Read on to discover ten online tools you can use straight away, without needing to raise a purchase order or barter for budget allocation.

1. Wallwisher

At first glance, online noticeboard tool Wallwisher may seem limited in application, but give it a go and you'll soon discover that it's more than a digital replacement for Post-it notes.
Wallwisher allows users to build virtual classroom Walls, in the sense you might be familiar with from Facebook, onto which 160-character messages, web links, images, videos and audio may be posted. Individuals can use it to mind-map, keep notes, or bookmark useful websites - but the real power of Wallwisher is in its potential for collaborative activities.
By sharing your wall URL with a class, whole year group, or even an entire school, anybody you choose is able to view and contribute to it. Wallwisher's security settings allow teachers to use what its designers have cheekily titled "The Idiot Filter" to approve entries before they're posted.
Ideas for use: Students can mind-map, build mood boards for creative projects, or create research walls on a given topic. Plenary discussions can be initiated by topic walls made collaboratively, or by teachers. For instance, a Key Stage 4 Media Studies teacher could create a wall ofYouTube film trailers to initiate a discussion on genre, classification or censorship.
How about having students post links to their own work, then using Wallwisher as a peer assessment tool? Teachers can also use the tool to gather feedback, anonymously if they so choose, on pupil confidence in specific curriculum areas.
Alternative: PrimaryWall is designed for primary schools, offering a user-friendly, text-only service with which to introduce Key Stage 1 and 2 pupils to group projects and collaborative storytelling.

2. Prezi

A presentation tool, Prezi provides users with a large canvas upon which to pin text slides, video clips and images. So far, so PowerPoint, you might say.
Quite the opposite, in fact. Prezi's selling point is its creation of a spatial narrative, meaning users can flow around presentation elements in the same non-linear way one might use an iPad: scrolling, enlarging, sliding and zooming in while always being able to return to the wider context. The trick is in learning to master these elements- not only in using Prezi to swoop between old linear PowerPoint-style slides.
Prezi is a sure-fire way to cure your classroom of PowerPoint fatigue. The finished product is leaps and bounds ahead of PowerPoint in terms of style, engaging the attention of pupils who groan with over-familiarity at seeing cheesy slide transitions on the whiteboard. it's one example of a free on line tool where novelty adds value.
One weakness is that Prezi doesn't yet support a master account to create student logins, so each pupil will need to apply for a separate EDU Enjoy account. lf your school allocates pupil email addresses (only educational addresses are accepted), this should be an easy hurdle to vault. If not, it still remains useful for teacher-led presentations.
Ideas for use: Whenever you or your pupils would use Microsoft PowerPoint, Prezi provides a more dynamic, engaging and visually attractive option. Innovative Science and Maths teachers of all key stages are already using Prezi to explain key concepts to pupils around the world.
Alternative: is a similar tool that's particularly useful for showcasing student portfolios as well as making presentations. Student projects are granted free educational licences.

3. Study Blue

StudyBlue is a revision and assessment tools for the over 13s, which allows teachers and pupils to create sets of digital flashcards, then generate online tests based on them. StudyBlue tracks learner performance based on these tests. Students can use the tool for self-directed study or with peers from the same class. They can even work with others preparing for the same exam across the country.
Why are StudyBlue digital flash cards preferable to the real deal? First, sound and images can be uploaded to the cards, engaging audio-visual learners, and providing more memorable triggers for key terms and concepts students may need to recall.
Second, the digital cards are available anywhere the student is on line. With free Android and iPhone StudyBlue apps available, pupils surgically attached to their smartphones will never be without their revision tools. Depending on your school mobile phone policy, brave teachers may even wish to invite pupils to use their phones to brush up during class time.
Study Blue
Ideas for use: A Year 10 GCSE English Literature student can create a card on the term "simile" by adding their own voice-recording of the line "I wandered lonely as a cloud" alongside a colourful cloud image to accompany the written definition. These quick-to-make, personalised, audio-visual revision aids get more synapses firing than generic text-only definitions.
StudyBlue is well-suited to Modem Foreign Language teachers, who may wish to build vocabulary and expression cards to share with pupils, including audio recordings of pronunciations.
Alternative: For the same age group, Headmagnet also includes a feature that remembers the cards that users have had trouble learning, building them more frequently into study activities.

4. Animoto

Animoto is a video-creation tool that teachers and pupils can use to make dynamic videos, either for the classroom, VLE or for special school events such as parents' evenings and open days. Upload images, text, video and music, and Animoto will automatically composite your ingredients, creating a fluid video presentation in minutes.
While presentations are slick- and pupils will no doubt enjoy how easy it is to make professional-looking videos using their own images and clips- it should be noted that once made, the presentations are click-and-play, rather than interactive.
Teachers are able to apply for an educator's code, giving free access to an Animoto Plus account and allowing teachers and pupils to make videos of any length. Teachers may also set up unlimited student accounts without the need for pupils to enter personal email addresses, allowing individual student activity to be monitored.
Ideas for use: The Animoto education website gives numerous examples for use in primary Oazzy alphabet presentations) and secondary (function notation explained to a funky electro beat) education. lt can also be used to chronicle class projects or field trips, and for showcasing work- particularly in Art, Design and Technology subjects.

Alternative: Stupeflix may not allow music as Animoto does, but it gives users more autonomy over the animation and transitions used in their presentations. Educators can currently sign up for free, unlimited usage as a beta tester.

5. Wordle

Wordle is another of those tools that may have begun life as an online novelty, but which canny teachers have since co-opted for use in the classroom. You'll no doubt have encountered Wordle clouds before; those intriguing little bundles of various-sized words visually showing which terms are the most frequently used in a section of text.
Ideas for use: How about this as a fresh way to kick-start a Citizenship, Politics, Sociology or General Studies lesson? You can create Wordles in seconds by pasting the text from on line newspaper articles, then use them as a springboard for discussion. Key Stage 4 and 5 Media Studies and English Language students could make a series of Wordles using articles from different news outlets that cover the same story to instigate a discussion on register, diction and media bias.
Wordle can also be used to carry out snapshot classroom polls, making lists of useful terms, or as an icebreaking activity for new pupils: they can make Wordles from lists of their favourite things.
Key Stage 4 and 5 Language and Literature teachers can paste chapters of copyright-free novels into Wordle to create lexis clouds that demonstrate the diction chosen by a particular novelist, playwright or poet. The text of political speeches can be similarly uploaded for lessons on persuasive writing and the power of repetition.
Alternative Tagxedo is a tool with the same basic idea, and the added option of making your word clouds in various shapes (perfect for grouping together themed Modern Foreign Languages vocabulary and making attractive wall displays).

6. Storybird

Storybird is a gorgeous tool, with a range of practical applications from Key Stage 1 and 2 Literacy, to Key Stage 3 lCT, Key Stage 5 Modem Foreign Languages and beyond. lt makes available hundreds of high-quality artist illustrations in a range of styles, which pupils can use to illustrate their own ebook.
Creative, descriptive, and persuasive writing activities can be set for pupils, who can work collaboratively or individually, then "publish" their finished work to a small group, the whole class, or even to the on line public. It's the teacher's choice.
Although some may view the ready-made illustrations as limiting for pupils, it means learners are able to focus on writing and storytelling techniques, and their finished work is guaranteed to look professional.
Teachers may register and add learners to a virtual class, enabling them to monitor pupil activity. One great feature of Storybird is that learners aren't required to register via an email address, making it particularly user-friendly for younger year groups.
Ideas for use: The illustrations make an effective springboard for younger learners who can develop their use of adjectives in simple, descriptive tasks. Older pupils can create narratives based on the images provided, increasing their grasp of narrative, dialogue and written expression.
At Key Stage 3 and higher, Modern Foreign Language teachers could set students simple descriptive tasks in the target language to embed correct syntax and adjectival use.

Alternative: Little Bird Tales allows users to create and upload their own images as well as embedding multimedia clips in their ebooks.

7. Popplet

Popplet has three main functions, two of which (digital bulletin board and presentation tool) overlap with the uses we've already discussed for Wallwisher and Prezi. As a result, we'll focus on its primary application: mind-mapping.
Popplet's usability is its major trump card. Its interface couldn't be more intuitive, so it's adaptable for use with a range of age groups. Mind-maps featuring video clips and images can be constructed as a whole class on an interactive whiteboard, or students can work on their own, in pairs or in small groups.
Popplet's simplicity should, in theory, mean ifs suitable for primary school students, but the sticking point is that each user has to register with an individual email address to participate on the site; something you're unlikely to encourage at Key Stage 1 and 2.
Ideas for use: Anywhere information needs to be organised, Popplet can be used as an effective, interactive mind-map tool. Numerous elements of the Key Stage 3 to 5 Science curriculum can be supported using mind-maps and flow charts, to summarise key concepts during learning as well as for revision. Levels of organisation in the human body, for instance, from organ to tissue to cell, may all be illustrated and annotated on such a mind-map.
Popplets may also be created to scaffold essay-writing homework activities, with essay titles cascading down to structure student responses.
Alternative: is a simple, effective text-only online mind-map creator that doesn't require registration before use, although you'll need to register to save any mind-maps created.

8. Google Docs

Google's cloud-based office suite, Google Docs, offers an on line word processing, spreadsheet creation and presentation package. Without wishing
to sound giddy, in theory it sounds the death-knell for coursework excuses of the "I've lost my USB stick", "my hard drive crashed", or "my notes are at home" variety.
How does it do it? If your pupils use Google Docs forward processing, for example, their work is accessible from any computer connected to the internet. Better still, when they add their teacher as a collaborator to a document, not only can teachers add real-time comments to pupils' work, but they can monitor every revision made by a pupil or group.
We say group, because one of Google Docs' chief functions is collaboration. By inviting fellow collaborators (all of whom will need email addresses), pupils can co-edit a document in real-time; it tracks their individual inputs, making clear exactly who's done what. Each student's revisions show up in a different colour, so teachers can see at-a-glance whether the balance of input is equally spread.
Google Docs
Ideas for use: Once you start to use it, it's clear that collaborative cloud computing using Google Docs isn't just a boon for monitoring how your students are getting on in their Key Stage 4-5 coursework essays. Peer editing and evaluation, collaborative research and writing assignments, as well as group spreadsheet and presentation making are all made possible by Google Docs.

Alternative: Its real-time collaboration may not be as slick as Google Docs, but many cite Zoho's wider range of applications and features as a reason to switch. Both tools are available as free smartphone apps.

9. Dipity

Dipity is an interactive timeline tool that allows students to plot text and images, as well as video and audio clips, onto a linear timeline. Timelines can be published online, and URLs submitted to your school's VLE.
Ideas for use: History is the subject that leaps to mind. While there's no end of applications for making interactive timelines to support History learning at Key Stage 2 to 5, any topic requiring knowledge of context can benefit from Dipity's research activities.
Science and ICT teachers can also use it to have their pupils track the spread of a phenomenon - from the H1N1 virus to the development of email -around the world using Dipity's global map view to plot events. Literature students can visualise key plot elements in, say, Pride and Prejudice, or list turning points for the novel's protagonists.
Alternative: Capzies is another interactive timeline tool that provides more design options than Dipity, although it could prove a double-edged sword for pupils that find tweaking an irresistible distraction.

10. Storify

Storify is a content aggregator that pulls in social media elements from sites such as Rickr, You Tube and Twitter, to create illustrated multimedia "stories" about current and world events. Because of its use of social networks, Storify is best used with Key Stage 4 and 5 pupils - and only then if your school's internet security options allow access to the sites from which it draws material.
It's remarkably user-friendly, with easy-to-use search options producing lists of relevant tweets, photos and video clips relating to your topic. Pupils can drag and drop elements into their "story", annotating their choices as they go. As a research tool, it's a great aggregator for web links, and an effective visual way to organise information.
Ideas for use: A quick search on the "London riots" by AS-level Critical Thinking students produced a list of tweets from journalists with links to full articles, photographs and YouTube clips.
The inclusion of social media not only aids pupils in their "understanding of current and emerging technologies and their social and commercial impact" - one of the learning aims for ICT - but inevitably leads to evaluation of the reliability of a range of sources.
Alternative: Storyful is a similar tool to Storify, also popular as a news portal for student research into current affairs incorporating new media.

Thanks for reading. Drop comments.

Remember, there is no problem with any CHILD, SUBJECT or TEACHER, the problem is the teacher's method of teaching and differenciation.

Be a teacher with difference. It's fun to be a teacher.

Wednesday, 20 January 2016



General Elementary Education

Many sites on elementary education do a good job of pulling together info from every class subject or just sharing advice on how teachers can work with the education system to provide the best learning experience to their youngsters.
  1. Edutopia

    Edutopia helps Identify trends in education and what methods are currently working. The articles present very useful information for teachers and the site provides fantastic perspective on a number of issues.
    Keep Learning: Schools That Work
  2. International Reading Association

    The International Reading Association helps promote literacy and their large base of content concerning reading is great for any teacher looking to get students more into reading.
    Keep Learning: Reading Lists
  3. Discovery Education

    Discovery Education is great site from the Discovery Channel that promotes different educational initiatives and good ways teachers can change the face of learning for students. The site provides curricular resources, digital text books, along with assessment services any teacher will find useful.
    Keep Learning: Teachers
  4. Mind Shift

    Mind Shift is an incredible site launched in 2010 by KQED and NPR that looks at many different aspects of education and the different ways it’s changing due to technology.
    Keep Learning: Big Ideas
  5. Teaching Channel

    Teaching Channel promotes stronger educational values and works with teachers to make high quality videos that engage more students and increase the effectiveness of curriculums through technology.
    Keep Learning: Videos
  6. Arkive

    Arkive focuses on different educational games that empower kids to become smarter while having fun learning the information. The content primarily focuses on science, puzzles, animals, the environment, and conservation efforts.
    Keep Learning: Team WILD
  7. Historypin

    HistoryPin is an exciting and current way to learn history through tours and collections that engages users “pin” to the site. The pins are arranged chronologically to create timelines that are both memorable and fun.
    Keep Learning: Tours and Collections
  8. Education Word

    Teachers need support, and peer community is one way to gain validation for your time and efforts in educating kids. EducationWorld provides that resource and it is free for you to visit, gather valuable resources, gain professional development, and network with other like-minded educators.
    Keep Learning: Lessons From Our Nation’s Schools
  9. Curriki

    Curriki is an exciting community filled with volunteers, teachers, contributors, and partners who support technology blended with teaching. People can either sign up for membership or peruse over 50,000 free resources that are accessible without joining. The site offers plenty of resources and curricula ideas.
    Keep Learning: PD Workshops
  10. Share My Lesson

    This online resource provides teachers with middle school lesson plans, activities, games, and other tools to use in classrooms. Teachers can add new resources or use the hundreds of tools already filed and organized by grade.
    Keep Learning: Share My Lesson Community
  11. Lakeshore

    Lakeshore has been in the arts and crafts supply business since 1954, providing teachers with great prices and clever ideas for elementary-age activities. Their online presence offers resources such as lesson plans, flash cards, and even a classroom designer for efficient use of space.
    Keep Learning: Crafts and Activities
  12. Vocabulary

    Vocabulary Spelling provides many different spelling tools, along with games, fantastic teaching resources, and videos.
    Keep Learning: Teaching Resources
  13. Teaching A People’s History

    This resourceful Zinn Education Project focuses on Howard Zinn’s best-selling book, “A People’s History of the United States.” Teachers can tap this site for more than 100 free history lessons organized by theme, time period, and reading level, as well as analytical tools to help students get the most from these lessons.
  14. Reading Horizons

    This tool helps teachers and their students by providing research-based strategies for teaching foundational reading skills to any beginning reader. Each workshop, which lasts four to six hours, can be saved and paused at any time, and a certificate of completion is created for the reader at the end of the workshop and can be submitted for professional development credit.
    Keep Learning: Results
  15. Docs Teach

    Docs Teach from the National Archives Experience is an awesome site that allows teachers to create their own teaching materials featuring thousands of primary sources from the National Archives.
    Keep Learning: Find Documents
  16. Librarian’s Internet Database

    The Librarian’s Internet Database is an intuitive tool that teachers can recommend to students, partially due to the high quality resources designed specifically for kids and teens. Additionally, they have special collections and a large array of newspapers and magazines to view.
    Keep Learning: Resources by Subject
  17. TeacherTech

    Teacher’s Tech is an app for iPhones and iPads that offers resources and news that can save you time and help to avoid headaches. This app offers step-by-step instructions on how to set up and use the most popular and useful Web 2.0 tools for any classroom.
    Keep Learning: Micro-blogging for Teachers
  18. Teaching With Simplicity

    Mandy Neal’s goal with this blog is to provide other teachers with tools to simplify the teacher’s life in the classroom. Her ideas also are great to use in the home if you have elementary-age kids…she offers everything, from crafts to ways to build character.
    Keep Learning: Give Me 5 Strategy
  19. The Concord Consortium

    This nonprofit educational research and development organization is dedicated to making technology work for science, math, and engineering. Their site focuses on their mission, but the team also offers resources for home and school at all educational levels.
    Keep Learning: Featured Elementary School Resources

    Teachers always need more time, and if time isn’t available, then they need more help. Timesavers for Teachers provides that help through tools such as worksheets, classroom activities, class management ideas, and other resources that can save time and avoids headaches.
    Keep Learning: The Substitute Teacher Kit
  21. Smart Classroom Management

    Smart Classroom Management provides simple, yet effective, tips and strategies for managing any classroom. Michael Linsin, site author, has written several authoritative books on classroom management, including “Dream Class: How to Transform Any Group of Students into the Class You’ve Always Wanted.”
    Keep Learning: About Dream Class
  22. Learning in Bliss

    Marcia is a teacher who loves technology, and she uses it to enable exciting learning situations in upper elementary classes. She shares resources, links, “how-to” articles, and ideas that can make your teaching experiences fun, too.
    Keep Learning: Goin on a Blog Hunt
  23. Fact Monster

    Fact Monster is a great site from “Information Please” that breaks information down into different subjects, presenting it in a way that is meant to engage children and be the most beneficial.
    Keep Learning: World
  24. Grammar Ninja Game

    Greg Lieberman studies computer sciences, and makes games for elementary-age children to help them learn. The Grammar Ninja is one of those games, a tool that teaches grammar and sentence structure in a fun and kid-friendly environment.
    Keep Learning: Portfolio
  25. Lesson Plans Page

    HotChalk’s Lesson Plans Page makes life easier for teachers by providing over 4,000 relevant lesson plans created by teachers. This site also offers a format for teacher networking, as lesson plans are shared, discussed, and modified to fit various grade levels or age groups.
    Keep Learning: News & Tips for Teachers

    The late Jane Straus encouraged proper English usage through her book, “The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation.” This site and its accompanying newsletter continue her work in a fun, easy-to-use environment for both teachers and students.
    Keep Learning: Word nerds: Verbal custodians trapped in a time warp
  27. Digital History

    Digital History is all about learning history in a digital format. The site contains historical timelines, interviews, primary sources, and multimedia stories. Teachers also can find classroom handouts, lesson plans, quizzes, history topics — all defined by historical eras.
    Keep Learning: Lesson Plans
  28. RubiStar

    RubiStar helps teachers quickly and effectively create rubrics for different projects. The site has teachers fill in a form and expedites the process.
    Keep Learning: Reading
  29. Fun For First

    Fun for First is a blog written by a group of individuals focused on providing ideas and activities for the youngest school kids. The ideas are easy to implement, and you’ll never run out of projects to use in your classroom.
    Keep Learning: Whole Brain Rules Freebie and Giveaway Winner!
  30. Education Station

    Education Station is a great site for parents to search through many different educational resources, allowing their children to catch up, if behind, or also accelerate their learning if their ahead in their school’s curriculum.
    Keep Learning: Mathematics
  31. Laura Candler

    Laura Candler’s Teaching Resources provides hundreds of different printable ideas for activities and useful schoolwork sheets designed to stimulate children and engage them further.
    Keep Learning: Strategies
  32. Cool Cat Teacher Blog

    Cool Cat Teacher Blog follows Vicki Davis, a teacher and author that is heavily involved in improving the education process. Her blog also has a very engaging podcast that is great for teachers to get insightful information.
    Keep Learning: Books
  33. Teaching Ideas

    Teaching Ideas stresses how instead of throwing information at students to simply memorize, the focus should be on fostering an environment conducive to learning ideas. The site’s content is great for teachers looking to reconfigure their content.
    Keep Learning: Maths
  34. SmartBrief Education

    SmartBrief Education outlines the most important information pertaining to education and uses a concise and informative method to quickly relay news.
    Keep Learning: Academic Specialization
  35. Little Giraffes Teaching Ideas

    Little Giraffes Teaching Ideas is a fun site with great tools for teachers, such as monthly themes, ABC Activities, Book Ideas, and much, much more.
    Keep Learning: Centers
  36. The Teacher’s Corner

    The Teachers Corner is great because of its wealth of teacher resources, lesson plans, worksheets, activities, and more. In addition to seasonal items and useful collaboration tools, the side has a great message board for engaging with other teachers.
    Keep Learning: Teacher Resources
  37. Reading and Writing Project

    The Reading and Writing Project helps promote the core values associated with young people becoming avid and skilled readers through a lifelong love for books. The project instills integral values in students and has fantastic evens throughout each year.
    Keep Learning: Professional Development
  38. C-Span Classroom

    C-Span Classroom is a source of educational materials for social studies teachers, which encourages them to promote current events in the classroom to better their own curriculums.
    Keep Learning: Teacher Opportunities

    LeArnin3.cOm helps teaching guide parents and students towards better supplementary content for students. They provide useful solutions, curriculum and assessment guidance as well.
    Keep Learning: Tools
  40. Learning A-Z

    Learning A-Z ranks books by their grade level and provides different educational tools to promote better reading skills. The site helps students through their in-depth activities pertaining to books.
    Keep Learning: Books
  41. Ranger Rick On-line

    Ranger Rick On-Line is one of the most well-known children’s magazines and regularly publishes high-quality articles on different animals and environmental information. The site has effectively moved into the 21st century, providing great games that promote stronger educational aspects.
    Keep Learning: Ranger Rick Jr
  42. FamilyEducation

    Family Education – School and Learning is a good tool for letting parents contribute to the educational trajectory of their children. The site is dense with useful links for guiding children all the way through college. This is a great source for teachers to pass along to parents.
    Keep Learning: Learning Differences
  43. Strategies in Teaching

    Strategies in Teaching outlines all the best ways teachers can collaborate and help each other improve at what they do. The posts all frame different problems in the education system in interesting and engaging manners.
    Keep Learning: Teaching with Math Tasks: Systems of Equations
  44. Lesson Planet

    Lesson Planet is a search engine designed for teachers to educate themselves on different subjects and create effective learning objectives for students in the process. While they cover many different subjects, the material is incredibly in-depth.
    Keep Learning: Math
  45. Spellathon

    Spellathon is a digital, sponsored spelling competition that helps raise money for the learning disability charity, Mencap. The site includes over 10,000 words and is very inclusive.
    Keep Learning: FAQ
  46. Go Social Studies Go

    Go Social Studies Go is a great side that presents educating in a fun, informative way. The site’s useful links also propel it to deserving significant attention.
    Keep Learning: Cool Links
  47. K-12 Internet Resource Center

    K-12 Internet Resource Center is great for teachers in any grade to find good supplementary tools for just about anything they would need. The site provides great advice on computers and the internet as well.
    Keep Learning: Professional Development

    Educationcom is a well-recognized site in the education community, largely due to its wide-ranging content and ability to instill large amounts of change into the education system. Their in-depth sections on various activities, worksheets, and workbooks are just a few of the areas they touch on.
    Keep Learning: Workbooks
  49. TVOKids: Spelling Bee Game

    TVOKids is an interactive spelling bee game that helps kids up to the age of 11 further refine their spelling skills. The site’s colorful, inviting layout makes learning a fun experience for any child.
    Keep Learning: Ages 6-11
  50. SmartyGames

    SmartyGames is a useful site that provides really great educational games for children to refine their skill sets in a number of areas. The site’s colorful layout is particularly engaging as well.
    Keep Learning: Math

    Kindergartenlessonscom breaks down tips for educators into many useful areas and encourages them to better their teaching methods through the resources provided on the site.
    Keep Learning: Math
  52. Book Adventure

    Book Adventure is a great site for promoting reading in children and maintaining that interest as they grow older. The site has useful sections for anyone who uses the site, from kids, to teachers, to parents.
    Keep Learning: Teachers Lounge

    LessonPlansws provides a ton of solutions for teachers to develop better lesson plans and save them the time from the cumbersome aspects of planning lessons.
    Keep Learning: Grades 3-5
  54. School Express

    School Express helps teachers manage content in classrooms and features over 17,000 worksheets for them to use, increasing the effectiveness of lesson plans.
    Keep Learning: Make Worksheets
  55. K12 Lesson Plans

    K12 Lesson Plans is a site that provides free teacher and classroom websites, allowing for better communication among teachers, students, and parents as well. Getting started is incredibly easy and the site is designed with teachers in mind.
    Keep Learning: Sample Site
  56. The Annenberg Foundation

    The Annenberg Foundation is a comprehensive teaching resource, contributing to professional development across the curriculum. The site has a great video series and also tips for improving lesson plans.
    Keep Learning: Interactive
  57. Busy Teacher Cafe

    Busy Teacher’s Café is for K-6 teachers and understands their busy schedule. The site provides themes, strategies, and even printable resources to help teachers stay on top of the constant stream of work coming through.
    Keep Learning: Strategies
  58. 4th Grade Frolics

    4th Grade Frolics is a useful site that helps 4th grade teachers with the particular challenges people confront when working with that specific age group. The author uses the site to paint a picture of what it’s like in her classroom and the content is great for helping other teachers understand what’s currently working in education.
    Keep Learning: My Classroom

Teachers’ Blogs

There’s hardly a better place to learn about elementary education than from an actual working professional. The sites listed here are created by teachers, for teachers, and include stories from the classroom and more general information that elementary educators have learned on the job.
  1. Van Meter Library Voice

    Shannon McClintock Miller is not your stereotype librarian. She is an award-winning advocate for learning who loves noisy enthusiasm. Her website includes a blog, publications, library resources, and ideas that can turn your classroom into a creative collaboration for learning fun.
    Keep Learning: Lets All Connect For Dot Day and Make Our Mark On The World!
  2. Education Nation

    Education Nation from NBC News provides some of the most up-to-date information pertaining to the current state of education and the ways we can all work together.
    Keep Learning: Events
  3. TeachThought

    TeachThought provides a platform for teachers to learn using 21st-century technology and bending it to explore new learning models such as blended learning or project-based learning. The goal is an open-source model of teaching and learning that can benefit anyone who wants to grasp knowledge.
    Keep Learning: Mobile Learning Trends
  4. Apponomy & iPad Literature Circles

    Apponomy is a useful site that looks at how different digital materials are further changing the landscape of elementary education. Site-runner Diane Darrow works extensively to promote high quality materials to further the field.
    Keep Learning: iPad Literature Circles
  5. Teaching is Elementary

    Nancy enrolled in an Assistive Technology graduate program and then began to blog about how she used this newfound knowledge in her classroom. Her fourth-grade students seem to benefit and any reader can benefit, too, from tips, ideas, and methods that Nancy shares on her site.
    Keep Learning: Helping Kids Cope with Terrorism
  6. 3rd Grade Thoughts

    Stephanie is a third-grade teacher who shares her teaching insights on her blog, along with tools that other teachers can use in their classrooms. Feel free to share your thoughts with her, but beware…she might turn you into a Pinterest addict, all in the name of her love for teaching.
    Keep Learning: Whole Brain Teaching
  7. Mr. Nussbaum

    Greg Nussbaum teaches sixth grade Advanced Academic students in Virginia. Nussbuam believes that technology can help enhance a learning environment, especially with games that reinforce skills as well as provide challenges. His site is built upon this belief, as he shares his ideas and resources for a number of classroom topics.
    Keep Learning: Mr. Nussbaum Premium FEATURES
  8. Mrs. Cassidy’s Classroom Blog

    Ms. Cassidy’s Classroom Blog is a classroom of students at a school in Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan in Canada. Each student has a blog of their own and then the entire classroom has a blog as well.
    Keep Learning: Reader’s Theatre
  9. The Polka-Dotted Teacher

    Jessica Carlton shows her enthusiasm for teaching through this colorful site and its contents. She offers award-winning ideas on how to have fun in the classroom while teaching a variety of topics, as well as ways to teach kids how to appreciate the world around them.
    Keep Learning: Teachers/Nurses Appreciation Week Gifts
  10. The Teaching Thief

    The Teaching Thief is run by a teacher who has taught for 6 years and primarily has focused on 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades. The blog posts great books for children in the midst of elementary school and is a fantastic resource for those wanting more comprehensive insight into teaching.
    Keep Learning: Fiction Friday 2013
  11. Teacher Created Resources

    Teacher Created Resources is a great site to check out as a teacher who is looking for additional calendar tools and wants to increase their effectiveness as an educator. Additionally, it will save significant time designing smaller items and allow focus to remain on creating an engaging curriculum.
    Keep Learning: Geography
  12. The Book Monsters

    The Book Monsters is a blog that looks at different children’s books and provides reviews and great information on what to look for. Additionally, it provides great advice for those looking to recommend new books to students.
    Keep Learning: Author Archive
  13. Think * Share * Teach

    Think * Share * Teach follows a 4th grade teacher as she gives first-hand experience to teaching her students and useful tidbits she’s picking up along the way. Her commitment to education radiates in her posts and is great for elementary educators looking to connect.
    Keep Learning: My Classroom Website
  14. Reading with Mrs. Bast

    Reading with Mrs. Bast aims to engage students by encourage them to become lifelong readers and continuously focus on promoting reading initiatives.
    Keep Learning: Reading Apps
  15. Adventures in 6th grade

    Adventures in 6th Grade is a blog written by a teacher and for other teachers. She highlights different activities she’s working with her students on and the joys of being a teacher.
    Keep Learning: My Classroom
  16. The Idea Back Pack

    The Idea Back Pack is an educational blog that helps teachers have the resources and fundamentals to effectively impact students and further their impact. The site provides useful advice and even organizational ideas.
    Keep Learning: Organization Ideas
  17. Pencils, Books, and Dirty Looks

    Pencils, Books, and Dirty Looks is a fun, colorful blog that gives teachers great tips for the classroom, including great design advice.
    Keep Learning: Monday Made It
  18. Primary Inspired

    Primary Inspired is run by a 1st-2nd Grade Teacher and loves watching students develop and foster stronger relationships. Her blog looks at useful educational tips and conveys the best information possible.
    Keep Learning: Flip Flop Swap – Addition to 20 Pack

Interactive Tools & Games

Educational games and interactive activities are wildly popular with elementary school kids, and teachers with computer-equipped classrooms should be sure to make use of the great games and activities available to them.
  1. The Dino Directory

    The Dino Dictionary breaks down the differences between many different dinosaurs in this great source from the Natural History Museum. The “Kids Only” material is also a great tool for teachers to give to their students.
    Keep Learning: Explore
  2. Kleinspiration

    Kleinspiration is a forward thinking educational resource that aims to combine traditional learning elements with technology to promote stronger values in children. The site’s useful sections, including “work together” and “tiny tech tips” provide all the tools for teachers to jumpstart their teaching methods.
    Keep Learning: Work Together
  3. TeacherTube

    TeacherTube is an incredibly comprehensive tool for educators to develop curriculum plans, view useful videos, and get valuable advice on running a classroom.
    Keep Learning: Docs
  4. TeachersWithApps

    Not all education apps are created equal, so Jayne Clare and Anne Rachel joined together to form TWA to help teachers and their students wade through these apps to find the best. Clare and Rachel also can consult with you to build an app that you might need, aligned with Common Core Standards.
    Keep Learning: 10 of the Best ABC iPhone Apps for Kids
  5. Storybird

    Storybird is a website that acts as a digital publishing platform, allowing users to create, read, and share visual stories between each other. Typically they are art-inspired and feature colorful imagery.
    Keep Learning: Teachers
  6. Polleverywhere

    Poll Everywhere is one of the best ways to create stylish polls that capture attention. These polls can be used anywhere, through texting, web, or Twitter, and the price is right — free for audiences of fewer than 40 people (perfect for a classroom!).
    Keep Learning: How Poll Everywhere Works
  7. TimeMaps

    TimeMaps helps students engage in history in a creative and comprehensive way through timelines that make history accessible and understandable. The tools focus on the big picture and on specific historic episodes, providing a thorough understanding of events within contexts that are memorable.
    Keep Learning: Time Map of World History
  8. Mindomo

    So, you want to use a mind map, but you’re intimidated by the hundreds of tools available and the learning curve time? Use Mindomo, a tool that is easy to use and that comes with detailed instructions and ideas for using mind maps.
    Keep Learning: Why Mindomo Desktop?
  9. KidsKnowIt

    The Totally Free Children’s Learning Network is peer-reviewed for accuracy. Although the site contains ads to help pay for its goal of helping kids learn through interactive games, those ads are unobtrusive and do not detract from the site’s speed or mission.
    Keep Learning: Educational Songs
  10. In Class App

    In Class App is a useful app that helps students reorganize their priorities, share notes, and maximize their learning potential. An added bonus is that the app is free.
    Keep Learning: Gallery
  11. Discovery Education’s Free Puzzlemaker

    Anyone can use Puzzlemaker to create and print customized word games and math puzzles, using personal word lists. Just choose the type of puzzle from a list and make it immediately for classroom or home use — for free.
    Keep Learning: Math Squares
  12. Timerime

    Use TimeRime’s web application in the classroom to create, view, and compare interactive events in any topic through a timeline. Timelines can be filled with movies, maps, text, and music to help create a fun tool that kids will remember.
    Keep Learning: TimeRime Edu Standard

    Every elementary teacher knows that their students need to master the core basics if they are to succeed in school. The pressure is off on students and teachers both with this tool, which enables students to learn free on the Internet through best-in-class courseware in math, science, reading, and keyboarding.
    Keep Learning: Math Courses
  14. Fun Fonix

    Fun Fonix provides a plethora of tools that make learning interactive and fun. You can find phonics worksheets, free printable phonics workbooks for kids, and games in topics that range from math to science. These tools also are great for ESL or adult literacy programs.
    Keep Learning: Phonics Worksheets
  15. neoK12

    neoK12 is a large bank of educational videos on a variety of subjects. Students from kindergarten through 12th grade can use the site to gain a wider breadth of knowledge and more aptly solidify their educational route.
    Keep Learning: Animals Wildlife
  16. Online Hieroglyphics Translator

    Online Hieroglyphics Translator is a very cool idea that helps translate any word, name, or phrase into hieroglyphics. The site is very straightforward and leaves no room for confusion.
  17. AplusMath: Money Flashcards

    Teachers can introduce their K-12 students to this site, which can act as an interactive math tutor. Game rooms, flashcards, and puzzles all help students get a grip on math — some games are available for smartphones, too.
    Keep Learning: What’s New
  18. The Story Starter

    The Story Starter is an excellent teaching tool that randomly generates over three million story starters. Use it to break writer’s block or to generate ideas about a story. This site was selected as “The Best of the Best” in creativity by Writer’s Digest Magazine.
    Keep Learning: Story Starter for Kids
  19. B-EYE

    Andy Giger is interested in the seemingly odd combination of art, science, and communication. But, the Internet makes this juxtaposition work in ideas like his B-EYE, a tool that can let watchers see the world through the eyes of a Honey Bee.
    Keep Learning: IWISTER #4 – Build your own stereogram
  20. Quizlet

    Any free resource is good, but when it comes with sample study sets and support it becomes even better. Quizlet is a great way to develop quizzes that educators can use to develop lesson plans or to test plans using a professional set of questions.
    Keep Learning: You Can Study Anything
  21. Typing Club

    Typing Club helps teachers monitor their students typing progress to see how fast they’re learning to properly type on a computer. Along with tracking tools and other useful metrics, they also allow teachers to customize their lesson plans.
    Keep Learning: Get Started
  22. Web 2.0 Cool Tools for Schools

    Web 2.0 Cool Tools for Schools is loaded with great materials for teachers to more effectively work with students. The site is so dense with material and features almost 20 categories.
    Keep Learning: Collaborative Tools
  23. Exploratorium

    The Exploratorium in San Francisco is one of the best science centers in the country and provides incredibly engaging methods for keeping the attention of children. The activities at the Exploratorium promote the imaginations of students on an incredible level.
    Keep Learning: Explore
  24. Nat Geo Education: Mapping

    Nat Geo Education: Mapping is a very interesting site that shows a variety of maps around the country, along with overlays of interesting information pertaining to weather, environmental issues, and more. Additionally, there are games for kids that present maps in a fun way.
    Keep Learning: Fun With Maps
  25. The Magic School Bus Games

    The Magic School Bus Games is an online portal of educational games based on the book series, The Magic School Bus. The games all convey useful building blocks of knowledge to help any students.
    Keep Learning: Where Will The Bus Take You?
  26. IXL Learning

    IXL Learning breaks down educating children into useful sections ranging from Pre-K through 8th grade, then focusing on algebra and geometry as well.
    Keep Learning: Practice
  27. Gameaquarium

    Gameaquarium breaks down educational games into many different categories that are intuitive for learning in children. The site also has videos and eBook materials for children as they age.
    Keep Learning: Games and Activities
  28. The 1:1 Classroom

    The 1:1 Classroom posts different musings from a 3rd grade teacher in a 1:1 environment. The site highlights interesting developments in education and frequently ties to current events.
    Keep Learning: Does Education Need Its Own Edward Snowden?
  29. Internet4Classrooms

    Internet4Classrooms helps students build the important skills that are necessary to successfully gain the education they desire. The different skills that are offered range from kindergarten to 8th grade.
    Keep Learning: Kindergarten Skills
  30. TurtleDiary

    Turtle Diary is an educational website that teaches students through engaging games that are fun and with content that is catered to specific grades and the work they will typically face. Subjects typically are math, English, and science, and there are even supplementary worksheets.
    Keep Learning: Games by Subject
  31. Animaps

    Animaps is a simple and easy-to-use site that allows teachers to create and view informative and animated maps, all for free. The tutorial is very straightforward and useful to those even with little computer experience.
    Keep Learning: Get Started
  32. Funbrain

    Funbrain is a site full of engaging, entertaining educational games designed for children. The useful tools largely make a useful foundation for students developing.
    Keep Learning: Math Arcade
  33. AAA Math

    AAA Math is a site featuring thousands of interactive arithmetic lessons, which allows students for sufficient coursework to refine their math skills. Additionally, the content is sorted by subject and grade level, so time won’t be wasted looking for appropriate math problems.
    Keep Learning: Algebra
  34. StarFall

    StarFall helps children learn to read and provides extremely adequate resources for furthering their education through engaging and fun reads.
    Keep Learning: ABC’s – Let’s Get Ready to Read
  35. Phonics Student Online Components

    Phonics Student Online Components helps educate kids on the best ways to learn and highlights some pretty innovative methods. Aside from breaking down by grade, they also provide a breakdown of subject-specific coursework students can expect to encounter in each grade.
    Keep Learning: Memory Cards

Books & Publishers

Some publishers focus specifically on educational books, and emphasize elementary-appropriate material. There are even those that have branched out into e-books and other modern publishing formats as a way of catering to the needs of elementary school kids and educators.

    Every teacher has at least one “bored” student or more, because they are either too far ahead or behind in learning a particular topic. This site can help keep those students engaged by making books come to life through ideas such as meet-the-author movies and book trailers. Teachers also gain benefits such as book guides and lesson plans.
    Keep Learning: Book Guides & Lesson Plans
  2. O’Block Books Educational Materials

    O’Block Books Educational Materials is a very dense resource for elementary students from preschool through sixth grade. The site provides fantastic resources for alphabet, reading, Spanish, social studies, and learning in many other areas.
    Keep Learning: Reading
  3. Evan Moor

    Evan Moor Educational Publishers is one of the most prominently publishing companies when it comes to educational materials. Their wide range of courses and detailed methods for helping students overcome any difficulties is particularly useful.
    Keep Learning: TeacherFileBox

Math & Science

Math and science are important topics to get kids interested in while they’re young, and these sites have plenty of ways for elementary educators to make sure their students get a head start on these increasingly important subjects.
  1. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics

    The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is dense with great elementary educator resources, partially because laying out the fundamentals of math is so crucial. The site also provides useful resource for middle and high school teachers as well.
    Keep Learning: Pre-K to Grade 5
  2. Top Banana Education

    Top Banana Education Foundation is a nonprofit organization that works to help elementary-age children develop a love for math that lasts a lifetime. Teachers can use this site to gain insight into tools that make math exciting, even for kids who freeze at the sight of numbers.
    Keep Learning: My First Inside Look at Top Banana’s Approach
  3. Discovery Cube

    Discovery Science Center is a nonprofit organization designed to educate young minds and to assist teachers in understanding and appreciating science, math, technology, and engineering. The center, located in California, offers field trips and camps. Their online presence provides a teacher education network and other resources for teachers.
    Keep Learning: Resources for Teachers
  4. The Math Forum@Drexel

    The Math Forum is the leading online resource for teachers to use to help students improve their math skills. Use this site for a wealth of problems and puzzles to use in classrooms, as well as for resources such as online mentoring, team problem solving, and professional development.
    Keep Learning: Teacher Exchange
  5. Jason Learning

    JASON Learning is a nonprofit organization that helps connect students to real science and exploration. The curricula, tools, and training are designed to encourage students to enter STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).
    Keep Learning: Curricula
  6. Science Kids

    Science Kids makes science fun and engaging for children and does so through colorful imagery as well as simple facts that are easily understood.
    Keep Learning: Experiments

    Science4Us is great for kids to have interactive educational tools promoting stronger knowledge concerning science. Their incredible array of tools can help any student further their education.
    Keep Learning: Physical
  8. The Lawrence Hall of Science

    The Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California, Berkeley uses the children’s section of their site to provide quality, entertaining information that promotes stronger values and great sources for science education.
    Keep Learning: Collections
  9. Dreambox

    Dreambox Learning helps children by using adaptive learning methods to help get children behind back up to speed and assist them as much as they can along the way.
    Keep Learning: Resources
  10. Steve Spangler Blog

    Steve Spangler’s Blog highlights a bunch of fun science initiatives he helps put together. His level of renown is almost unparalleled and frequently engages in some of the most entertaining and educational material.
    Keep Learning: Science Experiments
  11. Jump Start

    Jump Start has long been regarded as a fantastic educational resource through the many different games they provide. The site shows all the different games children can play that are not only tied to some of the biggest children’s movies currently, but are also incredibly engaging.
    Keep Learning: Games
  12. Science Buddies

    Science Buddies frames learning in a very fun and upbeat light, which encourages students to stay focused and frequently engage in science projects.
    Keep Learning: Project Guide
  13. Super Teacher Worksheets

    Super Teacher Worksheets is a site dense with useful worksheets for teachers to use, allowing them to more effectively cater to the rapidly changing demands of education. The worksheets can save crucial time from having to design menial activities that are still crucial to educational development.
    Keep Learning: Fractions (Basic)
  14. MathGameTime

    MathGameTime is a site dense with games designed to sharpen student’s math skills and it even breaks down the games by grade, ranging from Pre-K to 7th grade.
    Keep Learning: Featured Games
  15. Free Math Worksheets

    Free Math Worksheets is a great way for teachers to focus on other aspects of teaching by using this website to quickly compile worksheets pertaining to math up to 6th grade.
    Keep Learning: Math Worksheets, Categories, and Topics List
  16. Let’s Play Math!

    Let’s Play Math! Is a great site for promoting different ways to make math fun for children and reinforce their development. The site has a very useful section on internet math resources as well.
    Keep Learning: Internet Math Resources
  17. Math and Reading Help

    Math and Reading Help goes straight to the root of early education, promoting the reinforcement of different teaching elements. The tutoring section is particularly useful, as it outlines how to successfully administer tutoring to children.
    Keep Learning: Tutoring
  18. HomeSchoolmath

    HomeSchoolmath shows how math can be invigorating and how students can best prepare themselves to be successful in school. The breakdown by subject and grade are particularly insightful.
    Keep Learning: Math Worksheets
  19. Cool Math

    Cool Math helps make learning fun for children and spin math as the cool and happening thing. The site boasts math advice for students of any age and even has a section with featured cool math games.
    Keep Learning: Math Dictionary
  20. Math Bits

    Math Bits breaks down the teaching process into small, easy-to-understand pieces that makes digesting different knowledge much more intuitive.
    Keep Learning: Jr Math Bits
  21. A+ Click

    A+ click is a clean-cut site that provides the essentials to promoting better educational tools in students, no matter the grade. Teachers can browse content by grade and also by subject.
    Keep Learning: Grade 8

Art, Reading & Music

“The Liberal Arts,” as these topics would be called at the college level, are great for stimulating kids’ creativity and teaching them to think critically about subjective topics.
  1. instructables

    Instructables is a site where teachers can explore, document, and share creative endeavors. This section of Instructables offers ideas and tips on developing elementary school art activities. Even a self-professed non-artist can explore and share these ideas with students!
    Keep Learning: Map Monsters
  2. Arts & Scraps

    Use recycled tools for learning and fun from Arts & Scraps, a Detroit-based nonprofit that uses 28 tons of recycled industrial materials to make art kits. Gain ideas from their site and learn how you can order bulk-packed products, including kits that can be customized to your learning themes.
    Keep Learning: Programs
  3. The Children’s Music Network

    CMN celebrates the positive power of music in children’s lives through sharing songs, ideas, and community based upon this belief. This is a membership organization, but even nonmembers can benefit from the information on this site, including a blog, publications, and resources to tap for classes and activities.
    Keep Learning: Children’s Music Links
  4. art in action

    Art in Action is an engaging site designed to promote stronger art values through after-school enrichment programs. The non-profit also focuses on fostering stronger education development and creativity among children, crucial at young ages.
    Keep Learning: Art Education
  5. Art With Mr. E

    Ted Edlinger, a Tennessee Art Teacher of the Year, offers his ideas and experiences in this blog about building art programs for elementary school children. His art and his encouragement in joining arts organizations is further proof that he loves his work and his artistic mission.
    Keep Learning: Line Design w/ Shading- The Steps
  6. Making Art Fun!

    If you’re seeking free art resources for elementary art classes, this site can provide you with what you need — from learning to draw techniques to project freebies. Sign up for the newsletter to learn when new items are posted on this site.
    Keep Learning: National Standards for Visual Arts Education
  7. Pam Donkin

    Pam Donkin, an award-winning children’s music entertainer, is available to perform and to teach nationwide. She shares some of her magic on this website, which offers songs and activities, music downloads, videos, and other fun resources.
    Keep Learning: Resources
  8. Reading Rockets

    Reading Rockets works with students who struggle to read and provides a strong foundation for them to succeed and not fall behind. Additionally, the site has great tools for teachers to help students.
    Keep Learning: Helping Struggling Readers
  9. KinderART

    KinderART provides fantastic art lesson plans to engage children and further their ability to learn. The site breaks down lesson plans into many different areas, so teachers can tailor their plans to any medium.
    Keep Learning: Lessons By Age/Grade
  10. Success for All

    Success for All Foundation aims to aid those who may not have the most opportunities to achieve like they could. The initiative is largely broken into three parts, early childhood, elementary, and middle/high school. The organization is known for its high-achievements and helping push students in the right direction.
    Keep Learning: Elementary

Assorted Useful Sites

A creative elementary education teacher can find great uses for even unconventional classroom tools. Even just reading about what other teachers are doing, and participating in online communities for teachers, can help educators develop new curricula and expand their horizons and those of their students.
  1. Vimeo

    Vimeo was founded in 2004 by a group of filmmakers who wanted to share their creations. Today, anyone can use this format to create and share video lessons or moments, including soundtracks and other lessons that you can learn from Vimeo’s “resident experts.”
    Keep Learning: Create Something New
  2. Ed Week Teacher

    Ed Week Teacher focuses on how teachers can promote better curriculums and work better as a collective in the education system. The articles on the site cover just about anything you could imagine pertaining so teaching, so there’s always great content to find.
    Keep Learning: Tougher Requirements Ahead for Teacher Prep
  3. Edudemic

    Edudemic handles different ways teachers can tailor their curriculum to best align itself with the currently developing trends. The site is very dense with content and great for teachers and students alike.
    Keep Learning: News for Teachers
  4. School Clipart

    You’ve probably used free clipart sites before that used pop-up ads and other annoying distractions. This site eliminates those nuisances so you can pick and choose the art you need — from agriculture to web graphics — quickly and conveniently.
    Keep Learning: Create Templates, Photo Collages, Calendars & More!
  5. BBC Dimensions

    BBC Dimensions is an interesting site that overlays how much space different events take up. With this information, they overlay it onto different parts of the world to draw a parallel to places people see locally.